
Openreach 2025 big shutdown of PSTN will affect security systems using traditional wirings in the UK.

AV installation is all about creating a seamless and immersive experience in different environments like homes, offices, and entertainment venues.

Here's how we create seamless audiovisual experiences:

  1. Audio Setup: We expertly position and configure speakers for exceptional sound quality. Our acoustic treatments and equalisation ensure balanced audio reproduction.
  2. Video Setup: We handle video displays, projectors, and screens, making sure everything is perfectly aligned and calibrated for exceptional visuals.
  3. Control Systems Integration: Our integrated control systems make managing audiovisual components a breeze. You can control everything with ease using touch panels or mobile apps.
  4. Cabling and Infrastructure: Our expert team ensures proper cabling and infrastructure for reliable connectivity between components.
  5. Testing and Commissioning: We thoroughly test and commission every aspect to meet the desired performance standards, ensuring a flawless setup.
  6. User Training and Support: We provide user training to ensure you're familiar with the system's operation. Ongoing support and maintenance services are also part of the package.

Regular maintenance is essential for keeping your AV setup at its best. Our expert engineers ensure reliable performance, providing you with a seamless experience.

At Third Eye, we're committed to giving you the best audiovisual setup. Trust us to create an immersive experience for you!